Apologetics Conference

Knowing, Defending & Contending for the Faith

"always being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you" - 1 Peter 3:15

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th July 2024


7:30pm   (SESSION 1)
Knowing the Faith
It's often been said that “Doctrine Divides” as if to suggest that doctrine doesn't matter or that we shouldn't argue over trivial matters. But is this true? To what extent? In this session we will learn the importance of having a solid understanding of foundational Biblical truths, not only to help us grow us in our Christian faith, but also to respond confidently when Defending and Contending for the Faith.


Doors Open
9:30am   (SESSION 2)
Defending the Faith
How should we answer when people ask us difficult questions about our Christian Faith? In this session and the following workshop we will explore many of the common questions and objections and learn how to respond to them.
Morning Tea
10:45am   (WORKSHOP)
Interactive Workshop
1:00pm   (SESSION 3)
Contending for the Faith
Paul warned that after his departure false teachers would come and try to lead the church astray. To that extent, what doctrinal errors and strange spiritual practices have crept into the church today? How does the Bible help us to identify and respond to them when they arise?
Afternoon Tea
2:15pm   (Q&A)
Discussion and Q&A


10:00am   (SESSION 4)
Standing Firm in the Faith
Having considered what it means to Know the Faith, Defend the Faith and Contend for the Faith, how should we therefore Stand Firm in the Faith? In his epistle to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul lists five principles to put into practice today.

COST: Free

Please consider making a donation/offering on the day to help offset costs.


Registration is essential for catering purposes and to ensure that sufficient copies of notes and handouts are available. Also, please note that seating is limited and these sessions WILL NOT be recorded and made publicly available. So don't miss out, register today to secure your place.

The Conference Has Now Concluded

Bible, Notebook and Pen. Handouts will be provided to registered participants for individual sessions.