Have you ever felt lost, lied to, or left without hope in life?

You are certainly not alone, since this is something that we have all faced at times. But there is hope. People will often let us down, but there is one person who never will. Jesus Christ shows us that He alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and offers genuine hope to us all.

Here are Five Truths

that will change your life forever

God created us to be in a close relationship with Him.

Romans 8:18-25

The Bible (God's Word) tells us that in the very beginning, God created us and intended for us to have a loving, caring, lasting relationship with Him. God originally created everything perfect, without corruption or sin. He created us with the purpose of knowing Him, loving Him, obeying Him, living with Him and enjoying Him for all eternity.

We have a serious problem. God calls this Sin.

Romans 3:23

Sin essentially means that we fail to meet God's perfect standard and are living in disobedience to Him. In fact, we break His commandments all the time. Have you ever lied, stolen, cheated or had a bad thought? If we honestly look at our own hearts, we know we're guilty of these and more. Because of sin, our relationship with God is irreparably broken and there's nothing we can do to make things right.

Whilst it is commonly assumed there are many ways to Heaven, the Bible is clear this is simply not true. Yes, God is loving and merciful. But He is also perfect and just, and must deal with the consequences of our sin. The reality is that unless a solution is found, when you die you will be judged by God, found unworthy and separated from Him in judgement forever.

Being a good person will never get you to Heaven.

Romans 3:9-20

We often try to work our way towards God by being a nice person, doing kind things, having good morals or being a religious person. But how much good do you think you would need do to make yourself right with a perfect and holy God? The Bible tells us that because of our sinful nature, nothing we try can ever remove the stain of sin from our lives or restore our broken relationship with Him. We need help!

Jesus Christ is the only way to know God.

Romans 5:6-11

God demonstrated His love for us in this way… in that while we were still sinners, His enemies, and unable to help ourselves, He sent his son Jesus to die on our behalf. Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself and paid the penalty in full so that we could be forgiven, have our relationship with God restored and one day go to be with Him in Heaven.

But why did Jesus have to die on a cross?

Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, lived a perfect sinless life. His was the only acceptable sacrifice that could appease the wrath of God that our sin deserves. Jesus lived the life we could never live. He died the death that we deserve. But He also rose again so we could receive eternal life in Him.

You must repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ.

Romans 10:9-10

God wants us to have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Because Jesus paid for your sins, it is possible for this relationship to be restored and receive eternal life in Him. There is only one way, a free gift God graciously offers to us. To receive this you must repent and turn from your sins, and to put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, knowing that He alone can save you.

How Can I Become A Christian?


Admit to God that you are a sinner and repent by turning away from your sin.

Romans 3:23; 6:23; 1 John 1:9; Acts 3:19


Believe Jesus died on the cross and rose again, so that you may receive God's gift of salvation.

Romans 5:8; John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4


Confess your faith in Jesus Christ. Call upon Him for Salvation and put Him in charge of your life.

Romans 10:9-10,13; Matthew 16:24

Pray to God like this...

Dear God,

I know that I am a sinner and worthy of the punishment my sin deserves. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and that He rose again so that my sins could be forgiven.

God, please forgive me and help me to turn away from my sin. Give me a new heart and change the course of my life, that I may follow, obey and honour You in everything that I do.

I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus.


What's Next?

If you prayed this prayer and sincerely meant what you said, then this is the beginning of a wonderful new life in Jesus Christ. However, it's also essential that you find a local Christian community where the Bible is faithfully taught, so that you can learn more about Jesus and grow in your walk in Him. Please contact us today, and we would love to help connect you with church in your area.